Shedai meta-genome

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  • Incredibly complex genetic data matrix left by Shedai genetic engineering prior to the collapse of their nation (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • Consisting of three trillion non-coding base pairs designed to be self-correcting against random mutation (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
      • Three million by text, but considering that genomes of relatively simple organisms with 100+ billion base-pairs are known today, this size would not be as outrageous on its own as presented
    • Served as both information storage medium and biomechanical interface with Shedai technology (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
  • First discovered 2263, Ravanar IV, during survey by USS Constellation (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • Further survey revealed four further systems separated by several light-years sharing the same genetic data matrix (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
  • Immediately classified by Starfleet Command (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • Code named "type-V lifesigns" (VAN Novel: Harbinger, Reap the Whirlwind)
  • Known sites:
    • 2263: Initial discovery
      • Ravanar IV (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
        • Sterilized in Tholian attack October 2265 (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
      • Four other star systems in following months (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
        • Contradicted by Reap the Whirlwind, stating explicitly that none discovered between Ravanar and Erilon
    • October 2265: Erilon (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • January 2266: Gamma Tauri IV (VAN Novel: Reap the Whirlwind)