Bajoran language
General information
- In Bajoran alphabet, phonetic analog to "C" is fourth letter, analog to "E" is seventh letter (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- Older form known as Old High Bajoran (DS9 Short Story: "Horn and Ivory"; DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Cathedral)
- Little used even by c.28,000 BCE (DS9 Short Story: "Horn and Ivory")
- borhya
- Ghost, spirit (TNG: "The Next Phase"; DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- pagh'tem'far
- Vision bestowed on a person by the Prophets (DS9: "Rapture")
Uncertain or absent translation
- Tesra Peldor impatri bren. Bentel vetan ullon sten.
- Said at conclusion of day's worship (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)