Grand Nagi
- Gint
- Millennia before 24th century (SCE Short Story: "Caveat Emptor")
- First Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance (DS9: "Body Parts"; SCE Short Story: "Caveat Emptor")
- Smeet (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs"; DS9 Novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed)
- Nine-year reign (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs")
- Only Grand Nagus to be assassinated in office (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs")
- Zek
- - 2355 - 2375 (TNG Novel: The Buried Age; DS9: "The Nagus", "Rules of Acquisition", "Prophet Motive", "Ferengi Love Songs", "Profit and Lace", "The Emperor's New Cloak", "The Dogs of War")
- Rom
- 2375 - Present (DS9: "The Dogs of War")