Voth (nation)
- Population largely comprised of Voth
- Established c.20 million years ago (VOY: "Distant Origin"; VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Reach consists of broad swathe of the Delta Quadrant, over tens of thousands of light years (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Influence largely consisting of demanding acknowledgement of dominance over space to support national stability (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Otherwise fairly isolationist, internally focused (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Nation
- c.20 million years ago - Present: Independent (VOY: "Distant Origin"; VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
Bordering territories
- Borg Collective
- Presumptive
- c.20 million years ago: Established (VOY: "Distant Origin")