USS Horatio (NCC-10532)
- Name: USS Horatio
- Registry: NCC-10532
- Class: Ambassador
- Fleet: Starfleet
- Active by 2348 (TNG Novel: Death in Winter)
- Destroyed: November 16, 2364, interstellar space (TNG: "Conspiracy")
- Destroyed via actions taken by agents of the bluegill conspiracy (TNG: "Conspiracy")
Command crew
- Commanding officer
- - 2348 - 2364: Walker Keel
- Executive officer
- Second officer
Department heads
- Chief engineer
- Chief medical officer
- Chief science officer
- Chief of security
- Counselor
- Operations manager
Bridge staff
Alpha shift
- Duty officer
- Conn officer
- Relief conn officer
- Ops officer
- Relief ops officer
- Tactical officer
Beta shift
- Duty officer
- Conn officer
- Relief conn officer
- Ops officer
- Tactical officer
Gamma shift
- Duty officer
- Conn officer
- Ops officer
- Tactical officer