- Full Name: Surak
- Born: 3rd-4th century, Vulcan (ENT: "The Forge", TNG: "Gambit, part II")
- Species: Vulcan
- Gender: Male
- Originally worked as a computer scientist (TOS Novel: Vulcan's Soul: Exodus, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- Abandoned his field and began pursuit of philosophy and logic following the discovery that his developments were used in military weaponry (TOS Novel: Vulcan's Soul: Exodus)
- Began preaching of logic and nonviolence to the various clans of Vulcan
- Immediate students of the day included S'Task (TOS Novel: Vulcan's Soul - Exiles; ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- Author; Analects (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Death: 4th century; radiation poisoning (ENT: "Awakening")
- Incurred by nuclear strikes against Mount Seleya (ENT: "The Forge")
- Seen as a near-messianic figure by Vulcans in the decades and centuries following his death, ushering in a total transformation of Vulcan society known as the Time of Awakening (ENT: "The Forge"; TNG: "Gambit, part II")
- Katra survived among the masters of Mount Seleya following his death (ENT: "The Forge")
- 2137: Surak's katric arc rediscovered by Syrran (ENT: "The Forge")
- His rediscovery leads to the formation of the Syrranite movement (ENT: "The Forge")
- Holders of Surak's katra following include Jonathan Archer and T'Pau (ENT: "Awakening", "Kir'shara"; ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- June 21, 2156: Katra destroyed in Romulan terrorist attack on Mount Seleya during Earth-Romulan War (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)