Garem Valz
- Full Name: Garem Valz
- Born: c.2355 (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- 25 years old as of November 2380 per text
- Species: Bolian
- Gender: Male
- Both parents and two coparents still living by 2380 (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Three brothers (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- By June 2380: Enlisted, computer analyst, Starfleet; USS Einstein (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Mid-June 2380: Assimilated by Borg (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Death: November 13, 2380; assimilated USS Einstein (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Killed during combat with USS Enterprise (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)