Janus VI

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  • Primary: Janus
  • Class D
  • Inhabitants: Horta
  • Nation
    • 2220 - 2267: United Federation of Planets
    • 2267 - : Mixed
      • Colony continued Federation membership under approval of Horta following Horta reawakening
      • Horta nation maintained independence until requesting Federation membership
    • - c.2305 - 2380 - : United Federation of Planets (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
      • Councillor Sanaht (c.2305 - 2380 - ) (Novel: Articles of the Federation)


  • c.2220: Federation colony established (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")
  • February 27, 2267: First contact with Horta (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")
  • By 2305: Membership in Federation as distinct nation (Novel: Articles of the Federation)


Indigenous Life