Romulan Proconsuls
- Aratenik
- - November 2154 - (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
- T'Leikha
- - February 2155 - (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
- Sret
- - November 2265 - (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
- Vice-proconsuls
- - November 2265 - : Toqel (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
- Neral
- 2368 - 2374 (TNG: "Unification I", "Unification II"; DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")
- Vice-proconsuls
- 2368 - 2369: M'ret (TNG: "Face of the Enemy"; TNG Short Story: "Turncoats")
- Tomalak
- 2379 - (TTN Novel: Taking Wing)