- Appearance: Mammalian; relatively tall, heavily-ridged facial structure
- Has "threat ganglia", sensory organs which can emerge just above the ears
- Senses bioelectric fields of nearby predators (DIS: "Battle of the Binary Stars"; DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)
- Emerges in response to apparent
- Has "threat ganglia", sensory organs which can emerge just above the ears
- Homeworld: Kelpia (DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)
- Beyond Federation space as of 2256
- Descends from prey species unlike majority of known intelligent species (DIS: ""Battle of the Binary Stars"; DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)
- Breathes through spiracles at base of the neck (DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)
- Cultural notes
- Fundamental believe of Kelpien culture is that everything changes, and everything ends; denying the impermanence of reality is the source of all suffering (DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)