Karemma homeworld
- Located in Gamma Quadrant
- Six sectors from Vahni towards Bajoran Wormhole (TNG Novel: Q & A)
- Inhabitants: Karemma
- Nation
- - 2370 - 2380 - : Dominion (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")
- Multiple oceans (SCE Short Story: "War Stories, Book 1")
- Aboriginal tribe on small island in the middle of one such ocean used as basis for Dominion encryption c.2375 (SCE Short Story: "War Stories, Book 1")
Political Structure
- Government includes Commercial Authority (TNG Novel: Q & A)
- Led by Chief Overseer (TNG Novel: Q & A)
- Elected position (TNG Novel: Q & A)
- Led by Chief Overseer (TNG Novel: Q & A)