- Located in Bajor Sector within the Alpha Quadrant
- Less than three light years from Trivas (DS9: "Empok Nor")
- Approximately five light years from Cardassia (DS9: "When It Rains...")
- 60 light years from Ferengal (DS9: "When It Rains...")
- Approximately 30 hours from Trillius Prime at warp 9.5 (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
Known Planets
- B'hava'el I
- B'hava'el II
- B'hava'el III
- B'hava'el IV
- B'hava'el V
- B'hava'el VI
- Cajara (B'hava'el VII)
- Andros (B'hava'el VIII)
- B'hava'el IX
- Bajor (B'hava'el X)
- B'hava'el XI
- B'hava'el XII
- B'hava'el XIII
- B'hava'el XIV
Other System Locations
Denorios Belt
- Belt of energized plasma saturated with tachyon eddies orbiting B'hava'el at an oblique angle (DS9: "Explorers"; DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)
- Location of Bajoran Wormhole