- Primary: 83 Leonis B
- System name: 83 Leonis B V
- Class M
- Essentially uninhabited (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- Formerly home to the Cheronian civliization (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
- Ecosystem totally wiped out by plague, down to microorganism level; only shells of buildings and nonfunctional technology left by 2155 (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- Population:
- ~5,000 (2155) (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- Site of small Romulan outpost mid-22nd century (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru, To Brave the Storm)
- Sector base of Fifth Legion of Romulan Guard (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- 2 (2268) (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
- ~5,000 (2155) (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- c.45,000 BCE: Cheronian civilization goes extinct, excepting the individuals Bele and Lokai (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
- 2160: The Earth-Romulan War concludes with the Battle of Cheron (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru; TNG: "The Defector")
- World is ceded to the Federation following the end of the war