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  • Appearance: Amphibious (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
    • Generally toad-like in appearance
    • Approximately the size, build of a gorilla
    • Skin dark-green along back, chartreuse along front
    • Bright-orange poison sacs bulging behind red eyes
    • Webbed feet
    • Bony horn-like structures cresting skull
  • Homeworld: Tadigea
  • Biology
    • Mildly telepathic (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
    • Nictating membrane (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
    • Naturally nocturnal (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
    • Able to expel paralytic neurotoxin through glands set behind eyes when in danger (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
  • Culture
    • Somewhat xenophobic people (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
      • Strong discomfort with leaving their homeworld (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")
    • Location known as Heavenly Hatchery element of religious beliefs (TNG Short Story: "Thinking of You")