- Full name: Koval
- Species: Romulan
- Gender: Male
- By 2340s: Field agent, Tal Shiar (TLE Novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- By 2366: General, Tal Shiar (TNG Short Story: "Suicide Note")
- September 2374: Vice-chairman, Tal Shiar (TNG Short Story: "Suicide Note")
- Replaced Senator Vreenak following his death (TNG Short Story: "Suicide Note")
- By 2375: Chairman, Tal Shiar (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
- 2375: Diagnosed with Tuvan syndrome (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")
- Death: 2379 (TTN Novel: Taking Wing)