FGC-1324 IV
- Primary: FGC-1324
- Class M
- Unofficial settlement established by Anti-Federation League 2265 (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)
- Population: 59 Humans as of March 2266 (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)
- Early 2265: Small collection of members of the AFL establish an unofficial, non-chartered settlement (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)
- March 2266: AFL settlement comes under attack from Orion pirates (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)
- Surface is majority water (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)
- At least two continents (TOS Novel: Errand of Vengeance: The Edge of the Sword)