- Appearance: Mammalian
- Skin tone ranging from dark blue to pale pink (VOY: "Survival Instinct"; VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Ridge-crested features (VOY: "Survival Instinct"; VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Homeworld unknown, located in Delta Quadrant (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Destroyed in ancient catastrophe (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Former refugee people following destruction of their homeworld (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Established themselves as neutral traders, explorers, diplomats in nearby space (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Founded Markonian outpost as significant station in Three-kiloparsec Arm (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Cultural notes
- Modesty customs dictate wearing of a chador across the head and shoulders (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")