- Also known as Alpha Lyrae
- Former site of Vegans, an advanced civilization having colonized the system many thousands of years ago (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures; TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Initially colonized dwarf planets (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Oversaw and directed terraforming of Vega IX once established in system periphery (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Series of cycles of conflict and reconciliation concluded in massive system-wide civil war (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures; TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Numerous dwarf planets destroyed in conflict, forming debris disk around the star (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Debris disk served as a significant source of resources for United Earth and, later, Federation during early period (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)