Starfleet probes
- Standard varieties of probes in use by Starfleet
- Basic structure designed to be compatible with standard torpedo launch systems
- Known references
- Series Alpha (MA Short Story: "Things Fall Apart")
- Intended for investigation of areas deemed too dangerous for direct starship investigation due to spatial conditions, radiation, etc. (MA Short Story: "Things Fall Apart")
- Series Alpha (MA Short Story: "Things Fall Apart")
- Varieties by 24th century standardization
- Class 1
- Class 2
- Class 3
- Class 4
- Largely intended for investigation of stellar phenomena (TNG: "Relics", "Rascals"; DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses", "Rejoined"; VOY: "Elogium")
- Has atmospheric variant (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 2")
- Detection suite includes magneton scanner (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 2")
- Class 5
- Class 6
- Designed for long-term observation, transmission
- Commonly used for warning buoys around dangerous phenomena (TNG Technical Manual)
- Class 7
- Class 8
- Designed for long-distance travel via warp sustainer coils allowing continued travel at launch velocity up to warp 9 (TNG: "The Emissary")
- Class 9
- Emergency log capsules capable of independent travel at high warp velocity (TNG Technical Manual)
- More commonly referred to as log buoys (TNG Technical Manual)