Martin Mansur
- Full Name: Martin Mansur
- Species: Human
- Gender: Male
- By 2376: Xenoanthropologist (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- Noted for pop science presentations and hololectures (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- Foundation of first noted presentation based on ideas stolen from Carol Abramowitz (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- By September 2376: Inhabitant, Vrinda (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- Working alongside Menzala Trivere out of desire to see effects in practice of significant shifts in power (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- September 30, 2376: Arrested for murder of Menzala Trivere (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")
- October 16th, 2376: Taken into Federation custody for actions on Vrinda (SCE Short Story: "Age of Unreason")