- Appearance: Non-humanoid
- General construction follows four-fold radial symmetry (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Dome-like head (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Four eyes oriented symmetrically around the dome (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Four large ears, one above each eye (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Two mouths (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Barrel-like torso (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Four thick, squat limbs at the lower torso serving as legs (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Four longer, slimmer limbs at the upper torso ending in four radially-oriented opposable digits (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Homeworld: Shanial homeworld
- Most Shanial rendered extinct in a Nachri attempt at annexation
- Remainder of Shanial retreated into subspace, eventually withdrawing from normal space entirely (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Most Shanial rendered extinct in a Nachri attempt at annexation
- Biological notes
- Innately capable of echolocation (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")
- Cultural notes
- Generally not prone to binary thinking (SCE Short Story: "Aftermath")