Vulcan neuropressure
- Vulcan pressure point manipulation technique (ENT: "The Xindi")
- Involves stimulation of neural nodes and pressure points for therapeutic or defensive effect (ENT: "The Xindi", "Extinction", "Anomaly")
- Can be used to aid in recovery from nerve damage, physical stress, psychological strain
- Can provide relief from muscle strain or ache, insomnia
- Can also be used to inflict nerve damage, either unintentionally or purposefully, or incapacitate a foe (ENT: "Harbinger")
- The latter is technically referred to as a to'tsu'k'hy neuropressure hold, but is colloquially referred to as a nerve pinch (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
- Nerve pinches can render a target with the appropriate nervous system unconscious for a brief period, almost invariably via pressure on neural nodes located at the base of the neck (Various)
- Can rarely be resisted via pure force of will (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")
- Can cause physical trauma if done improperly or hurriedly, rupturing muscle or nerve fibers in the vicinity of the node (VOY: "Cathexis")
- Otherwise, few to no after-effects upon awakening when properly applied; side effects can rarely include muscle tension or strain near the afflicted pressure point
- The latter is technically referred to as a to'tsu'k'hy neuropressure hold, but is colloquially referred to as a nerve pinch (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
- Therapeutic application involves various postures, including the surah'tahn and the khavorta (ENT: "Raijin")
- Therapeutic sessions span approximately one hour, proceeding for one session every two days until no longer requires (ENT: "Anomaly", "Extinction")
- Possibly the origin of the talshaya method of execution?
- Works via precise pressure applied to the neck