- Primary: Beta Veldonna
- System Name: Beta Veldonna VI
- Sixth planet by Battle of Betazed
- Capital: Jarkana (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Class M
- Inhabitants: Betazoid
- Betazoid colony noted for agricultural, medical, and scientific research (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Nation
- - 2358 - Present: Betazed
- Jarkana (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Capital city (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Relatively low population (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Less than a hundred single-story houses as of 2358 (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Near Jarkana mountain range (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Darona Facility for the Criminally Insane (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Humane treatment through psychopharmacology, counseling, behavioral conditioning (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
Indigenous Life
- Jarkana pine (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- Evergreen tree (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)