- Appearance: Mammalian
- Orange to bronze skin
- Large skull with prominent brow ridge
- Visibly hairless
- Large ears
- Male ears much larger than female
- Averaging around four feet tall
- Homeworld: Ferenginar
- Major offworld populations: Throughout the Ferengi Alliance
- Biological notes
- Distantly related to Dopterians (DS9: "The Forsaken")
- Cultural notes
- Ferengi faith
- Ferengi language
- Ferengi food
- Society largely based on extreme capitalism directed and (minimally) regulated by the Alliance
- General laissez-faire approach to capitalistic endeavors
- Society and business both guided by the Rules of Acquisition
- When Ferengi male children come of age, they sell off all childhood possessions to obtain a starting stake in business (DS9: "Little Green Men"; SCE Short Story: "Caveat Emptor")
- Likely Ferengi female children as well following planetary reforms of 2375