- Primary: Daran
- System Name: Daran IV (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Named after the Yonadan word for "promise", reflecting the state of the world as having been promised to the Fabrini by the then-dominant civilization of Kachissat (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Inhabitants: Lorini (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Colony established 2270 following arrival of Yonada (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Final destination of Yonada asteroid vessel (TOS: "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"; TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Nation
- 2270 - 2273 - : Independent (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- - 2360 - Present: United Federation of Planets (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- Head of State: Governor
- 2270 - 2273 - : Natira
- Gravity: 0.86g (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
Indigenous Life
- Konari (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Agricultural beast of burden (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
- Resembles a ceratopsian dinosaur (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)