Bajoran faith
- Centered around worship of the Prophets
- Largely expressed through global organized religion
- Religion first emerged by c.28,000 BCE amongst the Bajora, ethnicity of species later known as Bajoran (DS9 Short Story: "Horn and Ivory")
- Became global religion in the millennia to follow
- Divided into orders
- Order of the Temple (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- Distinct offices organized into a structured hierarchy
- Kai
- Spiritual leader of Bajor, head of the Bajoran faith (DS9: "Emissary")
- Vedek
- Comprising the Vedek Assembly
- Charged with electing the Kai when necessary (DS9: "The Collaborator")
- Comprising the Vedek Assembly
- Ranjen
- Prylar
- Kai