- Full Name: Lore
- Constructed: 2334; Omicron Theta colony (TNG: "Datalore"
- Species: Soong-type android
- Gender: Male
- Father: Noonien Soong
- Mother: Juliana Tainer
- Brother: Data
- Brother: B4
- Daughter: Lal
- 2335: Deactivated due to antisocial, violent behavior against the other colonists of Omicron Theta (TNG: "Datalore", "Inheritance")
- Contact engaged with a nearby crystalline entity, luring it to the colony prior to deactivation (TNG: "Datalore")
- August 18, 2364: Reactivation; Omicron Theta colony (TNG Novel: The Buried Age; TNG: "Conundrum")
- Discovered by crew of USS Enterprise during followup investigation into origins of Data (TNG: "Datalore")
- Deactivation: December 30, 2369; Borg fanatic outpost (TNG: "Descent, Part II")
- Deactivated by Data following reactivation of ethical subroutines (TNG: "Descent, Part II")
- Positronic brain decoupled from body, stored by Data in personal research vault on USS Enterprise (TNG Novel: Immortal Coil)
- Brain destroyed upon crash of USS Enterprise on Veridian III; body survived (TNG Novel: Immortal Coil)