USS Titan (NCC-80102)
- Name: USS Titan
- Registry: NCC-80102
- Class: Luna
- Fleet: Starfleet
- Flagship, Admiral William Riker, - 2386 - Present (TTN Novel: Fortune of War)
Command crew
- Commanding officer
- 2379 - : William Riker
- - 2386 - Present: Christine Vale
- Executive officer
- 2379 - : Christine Vale
- 2386 - Present: Dalit Sarai
- Second officer
- - 2386 - Present: Tuvok
Department heads
- Chief engineer
- 2379 - Present: Xin Ra-Havreii
- Chief medical officer
- Chief of security
- - 2386 - Present: Ranul Keru
Bridge staff
Alpha shift
- Duty officer
- - 2386 - Present: Dalit Sarai
- Conn officer
- - 2386 - Present: Aili Lavena
- Engineering liaison
- - 2386 - Present: Torvig Bu-Kar-Nguv
- Ops officer
- Science liaison
- - 2386 - Present: Peya Fell
- Tactical officer
- - 2386 - Present: Ranul Keru
Beta shift
Gamma shift
- Tactical officer
- - 2386 - Present: Tuvok
Engineering division
- NFN Aluno
- Senior engineering officer (2386 - Present)
- Szevich Dalkaya
- Senior engineering officer (2386 - Present)
- NFN Crandall
- Junior engineering officer ( - 2386 - Present)
- NFN Meldok
- Junior engineering officer ( - 2386 - Present)
- Paolo Rossini
- Junior engineering officer ( - 2386 - Present)
- NFN Tabyr
- Junior engineering officer ( - 2386 - Present)
- Ship's quartermaster (TTN Novel: Fortune of War)
Medical division
Science division
Security division
- Bowan Radwoski ( - 2386 - Present)