Quantum charge reversal
- High-energy process by which matter is converted to antimatter (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference; TNG Technical Manual)
- Matter stream fed into magnetic suspension tokamak (TNG Technical Manual)
- Individual rivulets chilled to 0.001K, held in stasis field, in order to limit molecular vibration (TNG Technical Manual)
- Focused subspace fields manipulate particles within each rivulet at a quantum level, inverting charge and spin (TNG Technical Manual)
- Requires high amounts of power input due to fundamental inefficiency (TNG Technical Manual)
- Anitmatter generated at approximately a rate of 1 unit of antideuterium for every 10 units of deuterium fed into it (TNG Technical Manual)
- Largely used as industrial and military antimatter source due to general lack of natural antimatter sources (TNG Technical Manual)
- In Federation, dedicated quantum charge reversal systems held on uninhabited near-primary planetary bodies (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference)
- Power requirements coupled with fundamental danger of large-scale antimatter storage lead most dedicated facilities to be placed on such bodies to exploit solar energy output safely (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference)
- Large vessels carry smaller quantum charge reversal devices for emergency purposes (TNG Technical Manual)
- Used as necessary to power warp reactor, due to inability in normal circumstances to power warp engines via impulse fusion reactors (TNG Technical Manual)