Barin Troi
- Full Name: Barin Troi
- Scion of the Fifth House of Betazed
- Born: October 20, 2372; Betazed (TNG Short Story: "Slings and Arrows: The Insolence of Office")
- Species: Human/Betazoid hybrid
- Gender: Female
- Father: Ian Troi
- Mother: Lwaxana Troi
- Sister: Kestra Troi
- Husband: William Riker (2379 - Present)
- Daughter: Natasha Riker-Troi
- 2352: University of Betazed, pre-psych (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- 2355: Cadet, Starfleet Medical Academy annex campus, Carven Institute, Betazed (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed; TNG: "Conundrum")
- 2358: Lieutenant junior grade, internship, Starfleet; Darona facility for criminally insane (TNG Novel: The Buried Age, The Battle of Betazed)
- Four-month assignment during Medical Academy course (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
- 2359: Lieutenant junior grade, Starfleet; University of Betazed (TNG Novel: The Buried Age; TNG: "Conundrum")
- Advanced psychology studies (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- July 2363: Lieutenant, counselor, contact specialist, Starfleet; Starbase 324 (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- December 2363: Lieutenant commander, chief counselor, contact specialist, Starfleet; USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- 2372: Commander, chief counselor, contact specialist, Starfleet; USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) (Star Trek: First Contact)
- November 2379: Commander, chief counselor, diplomatic officer, Starfleet; USS Titan (Star Trek: Nemesis; TTN)