Third Republic of Bajor
- Full name: Third Republic of Bajor
- Capital city: Ashalla, Bajor
- Joined Federation September 29, 2376 (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- 154th member to join
- Councilors hosen by appointment of the First Minister, ratification by the Chamber of Ministers
- Rava Mehwyn (2376) (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens)
- Krim Aldos (2376 - 2384) (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens; Novel: Revelation and Dust)
- Ishan Anjar (2384 - 2385) (Novel: Revelation and Dust; Novel: Peaceable Kingdoms)
- 154th member to join
Political Structure
- Executive
- Led by the Council of Ministers
- Head of state First Minister; elected position
- Vice-head Second Minister, suggesting a general pattern of precedence throughout the council
- Known other ministerial positions
- Minister of Defense (DS9 Novel: Ascendance, Gamma: Original Sin)
- Head of state First Minister; elected position
- Led by the Council of Ministers
- Military
- Bajoran Militia
- Commanded by overgeneral (DS9 Novel: Ascendance, Gamma: Original Sin)
- Bajoran Militia