Third Republic of Bajor

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  • Full name: Third Republic of Bajor
  • Capital city: Ashalla, Bajor
  • Established May 2369 following the end of the Bajoran Occupation (DS9: "Emissary"; DS9 Novel: Unity)
  • Core territory consists of the B'hava'el system
  • Joined Federation September 29, 2376 (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
    • 154th member to join
      • Councilors chosen by appointment of the First Minister, ratification by the Chamber of Ministers
      • Rava Mehwyn (2376) (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens)
      • Krim Aldos (2376 - 2384) (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens; Novel: Revelation and Dust)
      • Ishan Anjar (2384 - 2385) (Novel: Revelation and Dust; Novel: Peaceable Kingdoms)

Political Structure

  • Executive
    • Led by the Council of Ministers
      • Head of state First Minister; elected position
        • Vice-head Second Minister, suggesting a general pattern of precedence throughout the council
      • Divided into ministries, each led by a minister
        • Not all of equal significance either legally or governmentally
      • Known ministeries
        • Ministry of Agriculture (DS9: "Shakaar")
        • Ministry of Commerce (DS9: "Indiscretion", "The Changing Face of Evil"; DS9 Novel: Antimatter, The Badlands, Part IV, Avatar, Book Two, Gamma: Original Sin)
          • Runs the Bajoran Freight and Shipping Authority, manages Bajoran merchant marine (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
        • Ministry of Defense (DS9 Novel: Ascendance, Gamma: Original Sin)
        • Ministry of the Interior (DS9 Novel: Antimatter)
        • Ministry of Justice (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book Two)
          • Bajoran Intelligence (DS9)
        • Ministry of Religious Artifacts (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)
        • Ministry of State (DS9: "Duet")
        • Ministry of Transportation (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
      • Bajoran Ministers
  • Military