- Appearance: Nonhumanoid (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Generally cylindrical bodyform narrowing at the midsection (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Encircled by small tentacle appendages one-third, larger appendages two-thirds down (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Most appendages hydrostatic limbs, extremely flexible and dextrous (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Two upper appendages function as optical receptors, two as auditory receptors (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Speech by means of a vibrating flap on the top of their bodies (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Height similar to most humanoid species (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Unable to bend their bodies much (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)
- Can't use traditional chairs; in lieu they use shallow incline with arms to wrap appendages around (DS9 Novel: Gamma: Original Sin)