Federation Members

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  1. United Earth
    • 1st member
    • Joined: August 12, 2161
  2. Confederacy of Vulcan
    • 2nd member
    • Joined: August 12, 2161
  3. Andorian Empire
    • 3rd member
    • Joined: August 12, 2161
    • Withdrew: 2382
    • Rejoined: 2385
  4. United Planets of Tellar
    • 4th member
    • Joined: August 12, 2161
  5. Alpha Centauri Concordium
    • 5th member
    • Joined: August 12, 2161
  6. Confederated Martian Colonies
    • 6th member (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
    • Joined: 2162 (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
  7. Vega Colony
    • 7th member (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
    • Joined: 2164 (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
    • Former United Earth colony
  8. United Worlds and Colonies of Rigel
    • 8th member (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
    • Joined: 2164 (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
  9. Arken II
    • 9th member (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
    • Joined: Early 2165 (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
    • Former Andorian Empire subject world
  10. Ithen
    • 10th member (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference)
    • Joined: October 2165 (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference)
  11. Risian Hedony
    • Joined: late 22nd Century
  12. Camor V
    • Joined: By 2200s (TNG Novel: Genesis Wave, Part I)
  13. Deltan Union
    • Joined: By 2200s (TNG Novel: Genesis Wave, Part I)
  14. Trillius Prime
    • Joined: By 2230s (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  15. Argelius
    • Joined: 2240s/2250s (TOS Novel: Burning Dreams)
  16. Vobilin
    • Joined: By 2245 (DS9 Short Story: "Old Souls")
  17. Arixus
    • Joined: By 2248 (DIS Novel: The Way to the Stars)
  18. Bolias
    • Joined: By 2248 (DIS Novel: The Way to the Stars)
  19. Elisurian homeworld
    • Joined: By 2248 (DIS Novel: The Way to the Stars)
  20. Ri'tis
    • Joined: By 2248 (DIS Novel: The Way to the Stars)
  21. Valzhan
    • Joined: By mid-23rd Century
  22. Axanar
    • Joined: After 2251, by 2260s
  23. Regulus
    • Joined: By 2254 (TOS: "The Cage")
  24. Makus III
    • Joined: By 2262 (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
  25. Alpha Proxima II
    • Joined: By 2260s
    • Former United Earth colony
  26. Altair Colony
    • Joined: By 2260s
    • Former United Earth colony
  27. Arcturus
    • Joined: By 2260s
  28. Aurelia
    • Joined: By 2260s
  29. Cygnet XIV
    • Joined: By 2260s (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
  30. Denobula
    • Joined: By 2260s
  31. Izar
    • Joined: By 2260s
    • Former United Earth colony
  32. Plutocracy of Ardana
    • Joined: By 2260s
    • Withdrew: 2269
    • Rejoined: By 2370s
  33. Ramatis III
    • Joined: By 2260s
  34. Regulus (distant)
    • Joined: By 2260s (DIS Novel: Distant Measures)
  35. Sauria
    • Joined: By 2260s
  36. Scoridia
    • Joined: By 2260s
  37. Sulamid
    • Joined: By 2260s
  38. Terra Nova
    • Joined: By 2260s
  39. Tiburon
    • Joined: By 2260s
  40. Aulac
    • Joined: Mid-2260s (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
  41. People's Republic of Coridan
    • Joined: 2267 (TOS: "Journey to Babel")
  42. Janus VI
    • Joined: After 2267
  43. Cait
    • Joined: By 2269
    • Irregular participation
  44. Aaamazzara
    • Joined: By 2270s
  45. Betelgeusian Argosies
    • Joined: By 2270s
  46. Kazar
    • Joined: By 2270s
  47. Rhaandarel
    • Joined: By 2270s
  48. Zaranai
    • Joined: By 2270s
  49. Lorina
    • Joined: After 2273 (TOS Novel: Ex Machina)
  50. Delta Sigma IV
    • Joined: 2278 (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
      • 2370s per Articles of the Federation, but conflicts with significant plot points in above
  51. Efros
    • Joined: By 2280s
  52. Kashet
    • Joined: By 2280s
  53. Kyppr
    • Joined: By 2280s (VOY Novel: Acts of Contrition)
  54. Pacifica
    • Joined: By 2280s (implicit by TNG Novel: Genesis Wave, Part I)
  55. Huan
    • Joined: 2293
  56. Betazed
    • Joined: By 2300s (TLE Novel: Cast No Shadow)
  57. Vestios
    • Joined: 2310 (TOS Novel: Burning Dreams)
  58. Beta Antares IV
    • Joined: By 2311
  59. Lorillia
    • Joined: After 2311, By 2381
  60. Deneva
    • Joined: By early-24th Century
    • Former United Earth colony
  61. Gnala
    • Joined: By early-24th Century
  62. Pythagos Clans
    • Joined: By early-24th Century
  63. Tandar Prime
    • Joined: By 2320s
  64. Zalda
    • Joined: 2330s-2340s
  65. Alonis
    • Joined: c.2335
  66. Kerovi
    • Joined: c.2340
  67. Oriki
    • Joined: 2340s-2350s
  68. Penzatti
    • Joined: Late 2340s (TNG Novel: Vendetta)
    • Rendered uninhabitable October 2367 by Borg attack; survivors relocated (TNG Novel: Vendetta)
  69. Candelar IV
    • Joined: 2350s
  70. Cestus III
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
    • Former Federation colony
  71. Dedderei
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  72. Elas
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  73. Gemworld
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  74. Grazer
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  75. Guidon Pontificate
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  76. Hermat Directorate
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  77. Kostolain
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  78. Magna Roma
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  79. Ochat
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  80. Pandril
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  81. Peliar Zel
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  82. Selene
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  83. Sigma Iotia II
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  84. Tessen III
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  85. Troyius
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  86. Xindi Diaspora
    • Joined: By mid-24th Century
  87. Danteri Empire
    • Joined: After c.2353, by 2373 (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  88. Pahkwa
    • Joined: 2360
  89. Bynaus
    • Joined: After 2364, by 2374 (TNG: "11001001"; SCE Short Story: "10 is Better Than 01")
  90. Benzar
    • Joined: After 2365, by 2374 (TNG: "A Matter of Honor"; DS9: "The Reckoning"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  91. Skorr
    • Joined: After 2269, by 2376 (TAS: "The Jihad"; DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Twilight)
  92. Deneb IV
    • Joined: After 2364, by 2378 (TNG Novel: A Time to Love, A Time to Hate)
  93. Lendrin
    • Joined: After 2371, by 2378
  94. Lembatta Prime
    • Joined: By 2373 (DS9: "Nor the Battle To the Strong"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  95. Nasat
    • Joined: By 2376 (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  96. Andros III
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  97. Antede III
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  98. Arbaza
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  99. Asario
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  100. Atrea IV
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  101. Bilana III
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  102. Bre’el IV
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  103. Caldos II
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
    • Former Federation colony
  104. Carnegie
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
    • Former Federation colony
  105. Delb II
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  106. Gallamite homeworld
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  107. Grilasdixraksirvek
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  108. Hekaras II
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  109. Icor IX
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  110. Inferna Prime
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  111. Ktar
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  112. Meldrar I
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  113. Napea
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  114. Pangea
    • Joined: By late-24th Century (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  115. Parnasi
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  116. Pentam V
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  117. Taurus III
    • Joined: By late-24th Century (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  118. Triex
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  119. Tyrellia
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  120. Visalayan
    • Joined: By late-24th Century (TNG Novel: A Time to Die)
  121. Ysa
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  122. Zakdorn
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  123. Zanri
    • Joined: By late-24th Century
  124. Damiano
  125. Cairn
    • 150th member
    • Joined: Early 2370s (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  126. T'hirada
    • 151st member
    • Joined: 2373 (TNG Novel: Resistance)
  127. Ona
    • 152nd member
      • Over 150 members by October 2373 (Star Trek: First Contact)
    • Joined: Mid-2373 (TNG Novel: A Time to Be Born, A Time to Die)
  128. Third Republic of Bajor
    • 153rd member
    • Joined: September 29, 2376 (DS9 Novel: Unity)
  129. Evora
    • 154th member
    • Joined: 2377 (Star Trek: Insurrection; SCE Short Story: "Past Life"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  130. Koa
    • 155th member (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
    • Joined: December 2380 (Novel: Articles of the Federation)