Romulan faith

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  • Major religion polytheistic, largely inherited from Vulcan faith
    • Titles
      • Emperor (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
        • Spiritual leader of the religion (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
      • Archpriest (Short Story: "Blood Sacrifice"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
    • Gods
      • Akraana
        • Female (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
      • Bettatan'ru
        • Possibly a god of death or divine punishment (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
        • Dwells in Areinnye with Erebus (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
      • D'ravsai
        • The "Great Brothers" (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
        • Possibly the inspiration for the English names of Romulus and Remus?
      • Erebus
        • Associated with fire (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
        • Possibly a god of death or divine punishment (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
        • Dwells in Areinnye with Bettatan'ru (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
      • T'Karik
        • Conjectural (used in epithet "T'Karik's balls") (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
      • T'Vet (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
    • Areinnye a place of punishment in the afterlife for the dishonorable (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
      • Described as "cold"
      • Not considered a "hell" apparently, as "Romulans have no hell" (TNG Novel: Death in Winter)
        • Klingon individual characterizes them as having nine "Hells" per Taking Wing; unclear contradiction