Nasat (species)
- Appearance: Insectile
- Resembling 2 meter pill bug (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- Mandibles located within the "mouth" structure (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Eight limbs
- Six primary limbs along torso, three to either side (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- Each ends in a hand-like pincer structure for manipulation (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Two secondary limbs analogous to legs (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Less adept at fine manipulation (TAS: "The Jihad")
- Six primary limbs along torso, three to either side (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- All capable of being pulled close to the body to allow for defensively curling up in the face of threats (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- Shells colored one of five base hues, indicating equivalent of race or caste (SCE)
- Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Yellow (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Homeworld: Nasat
- Biological notes
- Egg-laying species akin to most insects (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Eggs hatch into larvae, and from there develop into pupae (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Pupae develop into nymphs by one year (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Nymphs originally were fed through flower stamens (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- In modern times, they are fed through plastic feeding tubes instead (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Expected to be verbal and communicative as nymphs (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Education begins at one and a half years (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Nymphs originally were fed through flower stamens (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Nymphs develop into adults by six years (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Full neurological maturity is reached at adulthood (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Chitinous shell provides protection against significant physical trauma when curled up (SCE; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- In "Balance of Nature", a Nasat shell is described as being made of "chorion", but as the chorion is an insect egg's outer shell and an embryonic membrane in other orders, perhaps this was a typo for "chitin"?
- Nervous system
- Neural structure includes a forebrain (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Stimulation of a nerve bundle located within the lower jaw beneath the mandibles can serve to interrupt anxiety-related emotional feedback loops (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Originally evolved on the planetary surface (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Migrated to the canopy of the planetary forest, out of reach of predatory species, once the technology to do so was developed (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Significant subgroup of the species have trouble with verbal communication (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Known as "quiets" (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Generally even birth rate planet-wide, at a rate of approximately one per 750 hatchings (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Is not directly heritable, with children of quiets showing no greater rate of occurrence (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Often mischaracterized as misfits or violent, prone to fits (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Following Federation membership, research project was begun to allow such individuals the ability to communicate verbally (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Lifespan unspecified
- Minimum of 26 years (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Given he must've been an adult when beginning service as governor
- Likely far longer, as portrayal in text seemed far from elderly
- Minimum of 26 years (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Egg-laying species akin to most insects (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Cultural notes
- Nasat calendar
- Nasat food
- Individual names translate from the Nasat language into a string of alphanumerics coupled with shell color (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- e.g., "P8 BlueTS27Q6" (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- First two characters always a letter followed by a digit (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- In conversation with other species, the first two characters and shell color are used as ones name (TAS: "The Jihad"; SCE)
- Nasat who commonly work alongside and converse with other species will often adopt a nickname as well (SCE)
- Egg fertilization seen as nothing more than a bodily function performed as needed, with no emotional or sociological associations such as are found in mammalian species (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Eggs are laid following fertilization, kept in storage as they develop into larvae until they can be provided to nurseries (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- At nursuries, Nasat larvae are gestated into pupae in hexagonal hatching tubes by nurturers (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Said nurturers continue to care for Nasat into the nymph stage, including social contact and education (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Nasat parents are uninvolved with raising of young directly, in favor of communal raising (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Affection shown through a gentle brush of the center of the forehead, followed by a similar brush of the thin membrane behind the antennae (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Generally forward-looking, seeing cutting ties with the past as encouraging further progress (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Nasat have little in the way of museums, commemorative notes, or other examples of historical remembrance (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Individuals seem to be identified by caste first in a similar fashion to individuals being identified first by gender amongst mammals (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- i.e., referring to unknown individuals by caste color, calling to a stranger by caste color (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Caste traits
- Yellows characterized as well-suited for tasks requiring repetition and perseverance (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Sayings and idioms
- Nasats (and potentially other insectile species) referred to casually as "shells" (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- Non-chitinous species referred to casually as "softs" (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")
- "Sap and fog" the equivalent to the usual saying of "smoke and mirrors" (SCE Short Story: "Balance of Nature")