Environmental suit
- Outfit designed to allow survival and protection in vacuum
- Starfleet
- Starfleet Extravehicular Work Garment
- Also known as SEWG (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One; TNG Novel: A Time to Sow)
- Standard Starfleet EV suit (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- Multiple classes
- Class A
- Rated for hard vacuum, spacewalk conditions
- Mid-23rd century
- Silver suit, tall domed helmet (TOS: "The Tholian Web")
- Decommissioned by 2280 (SCE Short Story: "Foundations, Book Three")
- Mid-23rd century
- Rated for hard vacuum, spacewalk conditions
- Class B (S31 Novel: Abyss)
- Rated for partial atmosphere conditions (S31 Novel: Abyss)
- Class C
- Rated for full atmosphere, otherwise hazardous environmental conditions
- First implementation introduced 2264 (SCE Short Story: "Foundations, Book One")
- Lightweight reflective full-body protective garment (TOS: "The Naked Time")
- Nicknamed "space bags" due to appearance, discomfort (SCE Short Story: "Foundations, Book One")
- First implementation introduced 2264 (SCE Short Story: "Foundations, Book One")
- Rated for full atmosphere, otherwise hazardous environmental conditions
- Class A
- Starfleet Extravehicular Work Garment
- Romulan Star Navy
- Late 24th century
- Orange-amber in color (TTN Novel: The Red King)
- Late 24th century