- Appearance: Mammalian; dark- to pale-blue skin, white hair, two antennae
- Homeworld: Andor
- Major offworld populations: Alrond, Threllvia IV, Weytahn
- Cobalt-based blood
- Four genders: Chan, Thaan, Zhen, Shen
- Shen source of gametes, chan and thaan contribute genetic material, zhen carries to term in pouch on their back
- Mated foursome known as a shelthreth, or bondgroup (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
- Successful reproduction from at least 22nd century onwards requires careful genetic compatibility due to unstated damage to the Andorian genome in this era
- Antennae provide sensation of electromagnetic fields, including bioelectric fields of nearby life (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
- Mobile, responsive to emotional state (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do, A Choice of Futures)
- Aenar a telepathic subspecies formerly native to Andor's Northern Wastes (ENT: "The Aenar")
- Cultural notes
- Andorian faith
- Andorian language
- Imperial andorian surnames start with gender prefix (ch', th', zh', sh') followed by clan names
- Andorian formerly heavily clan based
- Generally aggressive culture
- Quick to anger, long memory for both offenses and favors (ENT)
- Ushaan
- Ritual combat to provide for relief of violent instincts following extreme wrongs (ENT: "United")
- Fought with handheld ice-cutters known as ushaan-tors (ENT: "United")
- Common tool in Andorian civilization, easily available (ENT: "United")
- Foods and drinks
- Chirini roast (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
- Redbat (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)