Symbalene blood burn

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  • Often fatal, extremely contagious illness (ENT: "Cold Station 12"; TOS: "The Changeling")
  • Known to affect Humans, Vulcans, Malurians; implied to be generally infectious of most humanoids (ENT: "Cold Station 12"; ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing; TNG: "Genesis")
  • Symptoms include extreme rise of body temperature and blood pressure, resulting in burst capillaries and thermal damage to vascular lining, eventually leading to death (ENT: "Cold Station 12")
    • In Humans, death occurs within minutes (ENT: "Cold Station 12")
    • In Vulcans, progress slower but still ultimately fatal; terminal stage includes alteration of blood chemistry to cause it to appear red (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • Known to Humans by 2154, samples held in United Earth cold storage for medical research (ENT: "Cold Station 12")