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  • The standing military and research arm of the Federation
    • Under jurisdiction of Federation Department of Defense
    • Federation President acts as civilian commander-in-chief
  • Considered a scientific and diplomatic body first, a military body second, but level of militarism has changed as interstellar situation has shifted
  • Mission statement:
To explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before
  • Originally descended from the combined forces of UESPA, the Andorian Guard, the Tellar Space Administration, the Vulcan Space Council, and the Alpha Centauri Space Research Council (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
    • When new members are inducted into the Federation, all members of any interplanetary military organizations are given the option of membership in Starfleet at equivalent rank and role or continued membership in their existing organization (DS9 Novel: Unity)
    • Existing military organizations continue to exist, are provided materiel from Federation sources within reason; assumedly intended to handle local issues to relieve Starfleet pressure (DS9 Novel: Unity)
  • From 22nd to 23rd century, five branches from original five fleets (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures annotations)
    • UESPA
      • Logo: Earth Starfleet Delta
      • Duty: Exploration
    • Andorian Guard
      • Logo: Andorian "cursive" initial
      • Duty: Defense
    • Tellar Space Administration
      • Logo: Hoof design
      • Duty: Operational support and supply
    • Alpha Centauri Space Research Council
      • Logo: Rectangular bar with five circles
      • Duty: Scientific research
    • Vulcan Space Council
      • Logo: IDIC insignia
      • Duty: R&D and administration
  • Fleets combined by 2280s, Starfleet delta maintained as overarcing insignia to cement exploration as core duty of Starfleet
  • Officers
    • Training provided at Starfleet Academy
    • Officer rank structure, highest to lowest:
      • Fleet admiral
      • Admiral
      • Vice admiral
      • Rear admiral
      • Commodore (largely dropped by 24th century)
      • Captain
      • Commander
      • Lieutenant commander
      • Lieutenant
      • Lieutenant, junior grade (briefly dropped mid-2270s)
      • Ensign
    • Officers are usually expected to serve until retirement or death, but resignations are allowed
  • Enlisted
    • Training provided at various facilities depending on path to service
      • For basic training in engineering or command fields, Starfleet Technical Services Academy on Mars (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")
        • As with Starfleet Academy, annex campuses are likely
      • Occasional advanced classes are provided to NCOs at the Academy (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")
    • Enlised rank structure, highest to lowest:
      • Master chief petty officer
      • Senior chief petty officer
      • Chief petty officer
      • Petty officer first class
      • Petty officer second class
      • Crewman
    • NCOs sign on by tour, have no requirement to continue service after each tour (SCE eBook: "War Stories, Book 1")
  • Divisions
    • Divisions indicated by color, location varying by uniform
    • Command
      • Command
      • Helm and navigation
      • Weapons officers (2260s)
    • Operations
      • Communications
      • Engineering
      • History
      • Operations
      • Security
      • Tactical
    • Sciences
      • Medical
      • Science
  • Major Branches
    • Starfleet Command
      • Based in Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth
      • Starfleet Communications - Direction and expansion of Federation-wide comm network (VOY: "Pathfinder")
      • Starfleet Corps of Engineers
        • Starfleet Advanced Technologies - Testing and implementation of new prototype technologies (TNG: "Conspiracy")
        • Starfleet Operational Support Services (Maintenance) - Repair and refit of fleet resources (DS9: "Paradise Lost")
        • Starfleet Research and Development - Design and development of new hypothetical technologies
        • Starfleet Shipyard Operations - Operation of fleet shipyards, construction of new vessels
      • Starfleet Intelligence
        • Starfleet Internal Affairs - Investigation of internal threats to Starfleet (DS9: "Inquisition")
      • Starfleet Judge Advocate General - Legal advice and adminstration, handling of military court proceedings
      • Starfleet Materiel Supply Command - Fleet supply lines and quartermaster support
      • Starfleet Medical
        • Starfleet Dental
        • Starfleet Operational Safety and Health Command (OSHC) (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")
      • Starfleet Operations - Overall fleet direction
        • Starfleet Administrative Operations - Management and support (DS9: "Paradise Lost")
        • Starfleet Deep Space Exploratory Corps (TNG: "The Measure of a Man")
        • Starfleet Mission Operations - Mission assignment and approval (TNG: "Conspiracy")
        • Starfleet Orbital Operations - Orbital control for worlds with Starfleet presence
        • Starfleet Strategic Operations - (DS9: "Paradise Lost")
      • Starfleet Science
        • Starfleet Cartography - Creation and maintenance of Starfleet stellar and subspace charts
      • Starfleet Security
      • Starfleet Tactical
        • Starfleet Planetary Defense (DS9: "Paradise Lost")
  • Major positions
    • Commander-in-Chief
      • Highest-ranking position in Starfleet, answers only to the Federation President
      • Appointed by President, confirmed by the Council
    • Chief of Staff
      • Ranks immediately below C-in-C
      • Directs fleet operations for each of the separate fleets: UESPA, Andorian Guard, etc.
      • Less significant after combining of fleets, but still operates as commanding officer of Starfleet Command, go-between between C-in-C and other departments
    • Chief of <department>
      • Director of individual department below Starfleet Command; e.g., Chief of Starfleet Operations
      • May be used interchangeably with "Head"
    • Commanding officer (CO)
      • Lead officer of a vessel or starbase
      • Receives instruction from Starfleet Operations, implements orders by own determination of best course of action
    • Executive officer (XO)
      • First officer in chain of command below CO
      • Liaison between CO and department heads
      • Handles crew operations, disseminating orders from CO to individual ship departments
      • Receives department reports
      • Reviews crew performance, reports issues with crew to captain
    • Department head
      • Directs operations of their department aboard their vessel/base in response to orders from XO
      • If ship large enough to warrant second or third officer in chain of command, usually drawn from department heads
      • Considered senior staff
      • Almost always serves on duty during alpha shift to directly lead operations in their department
      • Large departments may also hold assistant/deputy (interchangeable, prefered term varies by department) department heads; if so, then such positions will often serve during beta/gamma/delta shift as department heads do during alpha shift
      • On rare occasion, a single officer will take on the role of multiple department heads, or even serve dually as XO and department head, should they be capable of such
        • If an officer serves dually as XO and department head, they may wear either the color of command or of their department as they wish
      • Common shipboard/starbase departments (varying by size):
        • Communications (Chief of communications)
        • Contact (Diplomatic officer/Protocol officer)
        • Engineering (Chief engineer)
        • Medical (Chief medical officer [CMO])
        • Helm/Navigation (department head considered to be alpha shift helmsman/navigator)
        • Operations (Operations manager)
          • Energy and bandwidth allocation, direction of shipboard resources
        • Security (Chief of security)
        • Science (Chief science officer)
        • Tactical/weapons (Chief tactical officer)
          • Security and tactical often combined into single department, in which case the duties of the chief of security and chief tactical officer will be filled by the single department head, who will usually simply be referred to as "chief of security"
    • Other
      • Engineering
        • Large departments often divided by field
        • Enlisted referred to as "engineering specialist" rather than "engineer"
        • Transporter operation often handled by enlisted, referred to as "transporter chief"; if an officer, referred to as "transporter officer"
      • Helm/Navigation
        • Prior to the early-to-mid 24th century, duties of flight control were split between a navigator and a helmsman
          • Navigator uses stellar and subspace charts in concert with local scans of conditions to chart the optimum flight path to a given location
            • Necessary both for ballistic/orbital plotting and for FTL flight; in the case of the latter, subspace conditions mean that the speed of a given warp factor is not constant, and thus the fastest route to a given destination may not be a direct route
          • Helmsman controls motion of the vessel
        • By the early-to-mid 24th century, these roles are combined into a single role known alternatively as flight controller or conn officer
      • Medical
        • Usually no distinction between physicians and surgeons except in large starbases; doctors in shipboard or smaller starbase departments expected to perform in both specialties as needed
        • Medics/EMTs referred to as "medical technicians" or "medtechs"
      • Science
        • Large departments often divided by field
        • If field is itself large enough to warrant further subdivision, highest ranking has position of "senior science officer" with all others in position of "junior science officer"; otherwise, all simply given position of "science officer"
        • Enlisted referred to as "science specialist" rather than "science officer"
      • Security
        • Enlisted referred to as "security guard" rather than "security officer"
  • Related records