Bajoran Militia
- Standing military of the Third Republic of Bajor
- Officer rank structure, highest to lowest
- Overgeneral
- Designates the commander of the entire Militia
- General
- Colonel
- Field colonel
- Major
- Captain
- First lieutenant
- Second lieutenant
- Overgeneral
- Enlisted rank structure, highest to lowest
- Sergeant
- Predates the Bajoran Occupation, though it was disbanded for the duration and only reincorporated following withdrawal
- Spacefleet divided into individual fleets (DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)
- Lamnak (DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)
- As of 2376, consisting of ten largest Militia vessels (DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)
- Fleet commander
- - 2376 - : Lenaris Holem
- Lamnak (DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)