Crell Moset
- Full Name: Crell Moset
- Species: Cardassian
- Gender: Male
- 2353: Viral experimentation, Bajor (DS9 Novel: Night of the Wolves; VOY: "Nothing Human")
- Attempting to determine cure for the Fostassa virus (DS9 Novel: Night of the Wolves; VOY: "Nothing Human")
- Techniques involved unethical infection of numerous subjects to attempt various trial treatments (DS9 Novel: Night of the Wolves; VOY: "Nothing Human")
- 2371: Chairman of exobiology, University of Culat, Cardassia Prime (VOY: "Nothing Human")
- On sabbatical 2375, performing telepathic research on Sentok Nor to attempt to provide Jem'Hadar with telepathic talents via neurosurgical techniques derived from extremely unethical analysis of Betazoid subjects (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)