Bader (species)

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  • Appearance
    • Stocky, Tellarite-like physique (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
    • Hair tending towards coppery shades (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
  • Homeworld: Bader (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
  • Lifespan: 60 years (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
  • Biological notes
    • Magenta blood (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
  • Cultural notes
    • Reputed to have a strong work ethic (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
    • Single personal name, followed by statement of homeland (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
    • Social status measured by ability to trace family line (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
      • Highest-placed families can measure back hundreds of generations (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)


  • c.21st century: Warp drive developed (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)
    • First contact with Dorset shortly after emerging , spawning centuries of antagonism (TNG Novel: A Time to Love)