Milky Way
(Redirected from Crux Arm)
- Home galaxy of nearly all known civilizations
- Barred spiral galaxy with estimated diameter of 100,000 ly
- Four major spiral arms
- Sagittarius-Carina arm
- Commonly known as Sagittarius arm, Carina arm
- Orion-Cygnus minor arm
- Location of Sol, nearest civilizations
- Crux-Scutum arm
- Commonly known as Crux arm
- Norma arm
- Perseus arm
- Three-kiloparsec minor arm (VOY Short Story: "Brief Candle")
- Sagittarius-Carina arm
- Divided astrometrically into four quadrants
- Four major spiral arms
- Surrounded by the Galactic Barrier (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before", "By Any Other Name", "Is There in Truth No Beauty?")
- Formed c.13.56 billion ya (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)