Emergency Medical Hologram
(Redirected from EMH)
- Full name: EMH Program Diagnostic and Surgical Subroutine
- Commonly referred to as "EMH"
- VI designed for short-term supplementation of medical staff during emergency situations
- Mark I rated for 1,500 hours prior to risk of memory fragmentation (VOY: "The Swarm")
- At least one example demonstrated transition to AI upon extreme usage, exposure to social stimuli (Various)
- Characteristics
- Mark I
- Default physical design: White human male, mid-40s, bald (VOY)
- Based on Dr. Lewis Zimmerman (VOY: "Projections")
- Medical subroutines designed based on experience of 47 individual Starfleet medical officers, including Leonard McCoy (VOY: "Life Line")
- Database contains information from over two thousand medical reference texts (VOY: "Life Line")
- Over fifty petaquads of computer memory devoted to medical database (VOY: "Life Line")
- Default physical design: White human male, mid-40s, bald (VOY)
- Mark II
- Default physical design: White human male, mid-30s, curly blond hair (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
- Mark IV
- Default physical design: Black human male, mid-20s (SCE: "Hard Crash", "Wildfire, Book 1")
- Designed to learn socialization and techniques in the field so as to avoid personality issues found in previous versions (SCE Short Story: "Hard Crash", "Here There Be Monsters")
- Essentially initialized at the level of a first-year intern (SCE Short Story: "Here There Be Monsters")
- Mark IX
- Default physical design: White human female, mid-20s, straw-blond hair (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Capable of manifesting multiple instances functioning independently on distinct patients, to limits of available computer resources (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Mark I
- Version history
- Project begun at Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center, Starfleet, c.2370
- Project led by Lewis Zimmerman (VOY: "Projections", "Life Line")
- Other staff included Reginald Barclay (VOY: "Projections")
- Mark I completed early 2371 (VOY: "Caretaker", "Life Line")
- 677 Mark I modules distributed across Starfleet (VOY: "Life Line")
- Installation coupled with integrated backup module, interactive diagnostic program in event of malfunctions (VOY: "The Swarm", "Living Witness")
- Design work begun on Long-term Medical Hologram mid-2373 (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
- Issues with Mark I personality subroutines led to scrapping of LMH project, release of Mark II by 2374 (VOY: "Message in a Bottle")
- Existing modules reassigned to maintenance and labor tasks (VOY: "Author, Author")
- Vessel CMOs could request exemption on an individual basis (TNG Novel: A Time to Sow)
- Mark IV released by February 2376 (SCE Short Story: "Hard Crash"; VOY: "Life Line")
- Mark IX released by September 2380 (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Project begun at Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center, Starfleet, c.2370