USS Docana (AGC-7-19)
(Redirected from IGS Docana)
- Name: USS Docana
- Registry: AGC-7-19
- Class: Kumari
- Fleet: Andorian Guard, Starfleet
- Originally designated IGS Docana, Andorian Imperial Guard (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
- Complement: 85 (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)
- Active in 2159 (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures)
- Transitioned to Starfleet 2161 upon founding of Federation
- Still active by 2165 (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)
Andorian Imperial Guard Crew
- - 2159 - : Aranthanien ch'Revash
Starfleet Crew
Command crew
- Commanding officer
- - 2165 - : Senthofar ch'Menlich