Jacob Sisko
(Redirected from Jake Sisko)
- Full Name: Jacob Isaac "Jake" Sisko
- Born: June 12, 2355, San Francisco, United States of America, Earth (DS9: "The Abandoned", "Rapture"; TLE Novel: Deny Thy Father)
- Species: Human
- Gender: Male
- Father: Benjamin Sisko
- Mother: Jennifer Sisko
- Sister: Rebecca Sisko
- Wife: Azeni Korena (2376 - Present)
- Married late 2376, Bajor
- Daughter: Jennifer Sisko
- By 2367: Relocated to USS Saratoga (DS9: "Emissary")
- 2367: Relocated to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars (DS9: "Emissary")
- 2369: Relocated to Deep Space 9, Bajor (DS9: "Emissary")
- 2373: Front line contributing reporter, Federation News Service, Deep Space 9 (DS9: "Call to Arms", "A Time to Stand")
- April 2376: Rescued by Even Odds following attempt at finding his father in the Bajoran Wormhole, destruction of Venture (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
- Continued with the ship for the next months until returning to Deep Space 9
- Late 2376: Relocated to Bajor following his marriage to Azeni Korena (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens)
- Shortly after, completed and published his first novel, Anslem (DS9 Novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens)