Inner Kaferia
(Redirected from Kaferia)
- Primary: Tau Ceti
- System name: Tau Ceti III (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- Class M
- Local name: Kohath-Seredi
- Commonly known as simply Kaferia since the destruction of the colony on Outer Kaferia (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- Inhabitants: Kaferians
- First human charting by the Kaferi family
- Frequent asteroid impacts (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- By 2151: First contact with Humans (ENT: "Strange New World")
- 2156: Occupied by Romulan forces alongside Outer Kaferia following the destruction of Earth's colony on that world (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- Local inhabitants undergo hibernation to avoid/hide from occupying forces
- 2160: Occupation ends with the end of the Earth-Romulan War (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
Indigenous Life
- Sea-hornets (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)
- Lives in floating hive mounds (ENT Novel: Live by the Code)
- Kaferian apple (ENT: "Strange New World"; TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"; VAN Novel: Harbinger; DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Twilight; SCE Short Story: "The Art of the Comeback", "Home Fires")
- Red, spined fruit with a large pit, presumably named due to a similarity in flavor rather than appearance? (ENT: "Strange New World")
- Considered a delicacy throughout the Federation