- Primary: Sol
- System name: Sol III
- Also known as: Terra
- Capital: Paris
- Class M
- One moon
- Sol III A - Luna
- Major Inhabitants: Human; Cetacean, Voth
- Voth departed Earth c.65 million years ago (VOY: "Distant Origin")
- Nation
- 2130 - Present: United Earth
- Non-contemporary locations only
- Earth Orbital Flight Control (DS9: "Little Green Men"; VOY: "In the Flesh")
- - 2372 - 2375 -
- Main flight control facility for all Earth orbital traffic
- Fleet Yards
- McKinley Station (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm; TNG: "Family", "All Good Things"; VOY: "The Swarm", "Author, Author"; TNG Short Story: "On the Spot")
- - 2155 - 2381 -
- Central transit point for solar system orbital transfers (TNG Short Story: "On the Spot")
- Referred to as "in service for decades" in "On the Spot"; possibly decommissioned at some point, recommissioned by early-24th century
- Obama Station (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- - 2155 -
- San Francisco Fleet Yards (Various)
- - 2151 - Present
- Constructed prior to 2151, in place to present day
- McKinley Station (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm; TNG: "Family", "All Good Things"; VOY: "The Swarm", "Author, Author"; TNG Short Story: "On the Spot")
- Starbase 1
- Asia
- China
- Beijing
- Federation Colonial Authority headquarters (DIS Novel: Desperate Hours)
- Beijing
- China
- Europe
- France
- Loire Valley
- Château Thelian (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Constructed c.2320s on request of Federation President Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Traditional residence for all Federation presidents from then forward (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Château Thelian (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Paris
- Hôpital V'gran (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Closest medical facility to the Palais (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Klingon Embassy (SCE Short Story: "Breakdowns")
- By 2376 (SCE Short Story: "Breakdowns")
- Palais de la Concorde
- Capital building for the United Federation of Planets (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Constructed mid-to-late 2160s
- Ground around Palais as well as the building itself protected against transporter activity (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Locations
- Fifteenth floor
- Office of the Federation President (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Ra-ghoratreii Room (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Named for President Ra-ghoratreii (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Formerly known as Red Room prior to Ra-ghoratreii leaving office (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Served as office of the President for administrations of Amitra, Jaresh-Inyo (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Wescott Room (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Named for President Kenneth Wescott (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Fourteenth floor
- Chief of staff office (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Deputy chief of staff offices (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Cabinet offices (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Thirteenth floor
- Speechwriting staff offices (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Twelfth floor
- Roth Dining Room (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Named for President Hiram Roth (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Occupies the full floor (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Roth Dining Room (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Eighth floor
- Staff offices, Federation Council (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Second floor
- First floor
- Federation Council Hall (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Councillor offices (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Basement levels
- Classified activities (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Unknown floor
- Federation Councillor offices (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Nathan Samuels Room (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- Fifteenth floor
- Hôpital V'gran (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Loire Valley
- Netherlands
- The Hague
- Federation Diplomatic Directorate (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Headquarters for Federation Diplomatic Corps (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Federation Diplomatic Directorate (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- The Hague
- France
- North America
- Canada
- Toronto
- Felinity (VOY Short Story: "Letting Go")
- Caitian restaurant (VOY Short Story: "Letting Go")
- Felinity (VOY Short Story: "Letting Go")
- Toronto
- United States
- Marin County, California
- Starfleet Headquarters (Various)
- Complex holds Starfleet Command, Starfleet Academy
- Constructed on the former site of Fort Baker (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
- San Francisco, California
- Mayor
- - 2109 - : NFN Romanova (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Devastated, rebuilt following 2109 earthquake (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Many portions of the Bay Area were destroyed, left reclaimed following World War III (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Largely reverted to natural state by mid-23rd century (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- DeLaGuardia Tower (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Constructed early 2160s (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Federation Security Agency detention facility (TNG Novel: Available Light)
- Little Andoria (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Andorian immigrant district (TOS Novel: The Captain's Oath)
- Romanova Building (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Named for Mayor NFN Romanova (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- World War III Memorial
- Constructed on remains of Coit Tower, Telegraph Hill, following its destruction during WW3 (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- Mayor
- Starfleet Headquarters (Various)
- New Orleans, Louisiana
- Sisko's Creole Kitchen (STA Novel: Maker; DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost", "Tears of the Prophets", "Image in the Sand"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Established by 2332 (STA Novel: Maker)
- Sisko's Creole Kitchen (STA Novel: Maker; DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost", "Tears of the Prophets", "Image in the Sand"; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Upham, New Mexico
- Gordon Cooper Interplanetary Spaceport (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Marin County, California
- Canada
- Oceania
- New Zealand
- Starfleet detention facility (VAN Novel: Open Secrets; VOY: "Caretaker, Part I"; TNG Novel: Available Light)
- Constructed mid-23rd century (TNG Novel: Death in Winter)
- Head
- - c.2379: NFN Dupont
- c.2379 - Monica Esperanza
- Starfleet detention facility (VAN Novel: Open Secrets; VOY: "Caretaker, Part I"; TNG Novel: Available Light)
- New Zealand
- South America
- Amazon Rainforest
- Development and exploitation ended following World War III (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Nearly entirely recovered by mid-23rd century (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Development and exploitation ended following World War III (TLE Novel: The Sundered)
- Amazon Rainforest