Breen Confederacy
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- Full name: Breen Confederacy
- Established by 22nd century (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- Population largely comprised of Breen
Bordering territories
- Cardassian Union
- Bordering by 2318 (TLE Novel: Day of the Vipers)
- Ferengi Alliance
- Sheliak Corporate
- Bordering by 2360 (TNG Novel: Buried Age)
- Tholian Assembly
- By 22nd century: First contact with Confederacy of Vulcan. (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- August 11, 2375: Membership into the Dominion, marked by attack against Starfleet Command, the first military strike against Earth since the Xindi crisis. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")
- Early 2376: Economy devastated following the fall of the Dominion, in part due to post-war reparations imposed by the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Star Empire. (SCE Short Story: "Caveat Emptor")
Political Structure
- Breen Militia serves as military body (TP Novel: Zero Sum Game, Plagues of Night)
- Head of State: Domo